Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival - video

Dancers Eliza Beau, Lady Wildflower, Raven Noir and Heidi Bang Tidy at Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival in the town hall.Dancers Eliza Beau, Lady Wildflower, Raven Noir and Heidi Bang Tidy at Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival in the town hall.
Dancers Eliza Beau, Lady Wildflower, Raven Noir and Heidi Bang Tidy at Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival in the town hall.
Beauty and allure smothered Hebden Bridge in a three-day Burlesque Festival at the weekend.

This video, by Bruce Fitzgerald, offers a taste of the festival, which took place in Hebden Bridge town hall.

Don’t miss the next edition of the newspaper for a full report and pictures.