Dress Up Or Dress Down Day raises over £900 for flood victims in Calderdale

Photo: Danny Thompson PhotographyPhoto: Danny Thompson Photography
Photo: Danny Thompson Photography
A Dress Up or Dress Down Day by Calderdale businesses has raised more than £900 for the victims of the recent floods in the borough.

The Community Foundation for Calderdale launched an appeal to raise £1 million to be able to give grants to households, charities and businesses affected by the flooding following the devastation caused by Storm Ciara.

Halifax BID, Calderdale Council, University Business Centre, The Piece Hall, Wilby Insurance, Covea, and Yorkshire Payments all took part. Characters ranged from an Umpa Lumpa, Ness from Gavin and Stacey to Villanelle from Killing Eve and Harrison Kerrigan from the Council even went ‘bananas’.

To make a donation to help the people, charities and businesses affected, visit https://localgiving.org/appeal/2020FloodAppeal/.