Refurbished ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall set for official opening

The refurbished ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall. Picture: Calderdale Council.The refurbished ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall. Picture: Calderdale Council.
The refurbished ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall. Picture: Calderdale Council.
The newly refurbished ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall is ready to welcome guests, with a special opening event being held on Sunday, October 24.

The ballroom will be officially reopened by the Mayor of Calderdale, Coun Chris Pillai and the Mayor of Todmorden, Coun Patricia Taylor.

Everyone is invited to visit the Town Hall between 11am and 2pm, to see for themselves the impressive work to improve this historic feature within the Grade I listed building.

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Calderdale Council, working with the Town Hall Working Group, has invested over £120,000 in the ballroom’s refurbishment.

The main aim of the work was to improve the ballroom’s acoustics allowing it to host a wider range of events, whilst also being sympathetic to the history of the building.

New acoustic panels have been installed by specialists, which have significantly reduced the sound reverberation levels in the room.

A new colour scheme for the ballroom has also been introduced, based on the colours of the original Minton tiles which were rediscovered after remaining hidden beneath the ballroom’s lincrusta wallpaper for a significant time.

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Skilled contractors carried out the decoration, which involved fine, detailed work to pick out the features in the fabulous plasterwork.

The Town Hall, including the beautifully refurbished ballroom is available to book for a wide range of events and staff are happy to discuss any requirements.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Coun Jenny Lynn, said: “I’m delighted that we’re able to invite people to see the transformation of the ballroom at Todmorden Town Hall.

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"I’m sure visitors will be impressed by the beautiful redecoration, which really highlights some of the key heritage features of the hall. The sound improvements also widen the potential usage of the venue, particularly for spoken word or music events.

“The reopening event offers visitors the opportunity to celebrate the ballroom’s transformation and see the level of detail involved. It will also allow people to find out more about the potential for hosting events at the Town Hall, with lots of options suitable for a wide variety of special occasions.”

Chair of the Todmorden Town Hall Working Group, Coun Susan Press, said: “The ballroom has held many events in its long history and following extensive refurbishment, the upcoming reopening event will mark the start of a new chapter for the venue.

“The work to the ballroom has been completed to a very high standard and it’s now a space that is not only beautiful, but functional, with acoustic improvements supporting a wider variety of events. I’d like to invite people to come along on Sunday 24 October to see the impressive work for themselves.”