A-levels: Calderdale results in full

Rastrick High School receiving their results this morningRastrick High School receiving their results this morning
Rastrick High School receiving their results this morning
Students from schools around Calderdale are receiving their A-level results today (Thursday).

Here are the results from the borough’s schools.

Keep checking back here throughout the day as the results come in.

Rastrick High School

A Level Results

Ahmed J, maths,chem; Asquith-Brown A, psychol,art*,eng lit,exproqual; Bains P, psychol,sociol,eng lang; Barrett T, phys,biol,maths; Bennett T, engine; Booth A,prod des; Brinkworth C, exproqual; Brodie C, maths, prod des; Brown K,econ and busi studs,comp; Bull S,sociol; Butterworth L, art*,textiles**,photy*; Clayton A, art,eng lit; Craven-Mccoo C, hist,textiles,geog; Cromack A, art*,textiles**,maths; Drake E, textiles,photy; Drake J, exproqual,art,comp; Dutch M, hist,prod des; Farrar G, rel studs,psychol,sociol; Green C, psychol,sociol*,eng lang; Hare K, prod des,photy; Harris B, phys,maths*,chem; Hickson E, biol,psychol,sociol; Hussain A, biol,psychol,chem; Irving I, textiles*; Kanwal A, econ and busi studs; Kaur Bassi H, rel studs,sociol,eng lang; Lane N, engine,econ and busi studs,comp; Laughlin K, engine,comp; Leadbeater K, textiles*,exproqual; Matani A, prod des,photy,econ and busi studs,comp; Mayne E, art; Bedeau-Mcguire J, phys,biol,maths; Mead L, textiles,photy; Moran S, photy; Nelson S, textiles**; O’Meara B, exproqual, photy; Owen L, textiles; Pedder E, phys,econ and busi studs,hist; Plowman A, biol,textiles**,hist; Powell S, phys,prod des,photy; Priestley D, geog,comp; Pritchard K, rel studs,maths,geog; Riar A, hist,psychol,econ and busi studs; Robinson K, art,exproqual,photy; Roby H, biol,textiles*,eng lang,maths; Shanduka T, exproqual,photy; Simpson R, textiles,psychol; Singh A, exproqual; Smith C, exproqual; Smith J exproqual,textiles,photy; Smith S, psychol,geog,eng lang; Snelson J, engine; Stocks G, prod des; Storey C, art,eng lit; Tariq S, phys,biol,chem; Taylor J, maths,phys,geog; Thompson B, biol,textiles; Thornton L, exproqual,pe,econ and busi studs; Tomkins J, econ and busi studs,biol,chem; Vienza G, biol*,chem,maths*; Walker B, exproqual; Walker O, sociol; Washington E, textiles,photy; Williams D, textiles; Wood L, biol,pe,econ and busi studs; Wood M, maths,phys,prod des; Yates R, engine,prod des,maths; Young S, geog,econ and busi studs;

Sowerby Bridge High School

A Level Results

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S Aftab busi studs, criminol, pe; S Ahmed busi studs, criminol, ict; S Alam art and des, sci; I Ali busi studs, publ ser; H Ameen health and soc c, sci; A Amjid busi studs, criminol, ict; H Assad food studs, health and soc c, ict; O Chantler criminol, ict, pe, sociol; M Dorak busi studs, ict, publ ser; M Downey chld dev, criminol, pe; A Farooq busi studs, publ ser; I Fatima health and soc c, sci; B Fenton health and soc c; J Fornal busi studs, ict, publ ser; K Frankland food studs, ict, publ ser, sociol; A Greenwood art and des, ict; M Haleem health and soc c, sci; H Haroon criminol, ict, sci; J Helliwell busi studs, ict; F Hussain busi studs, ict, pe; S Hussain busi studs, criminol, ict; H Ilyas busi studs, criminol, ict; S Imran busi studs, publ ser; J Iqbal busi studs, criminol, ict; A Isa health and soc c, sci; A Khan busi studs, ict, pe; D Khan busi studs, criminol, ict; K Khan busi studs, criminol, ict; E Killoran art and des, ict, sociol; D Mahmood busi studs, ict, publ ser; L Mahmood busi studs, ict, publ ser; N Mahmood criminol, ict, sci; S Mahmood health and soc c; U Mahmood busi studs, ict, publ ser; A Majid busi studs, publ ser, sci; A Masood busi studs, ict; T Meadows busi studs, ict, pe; T Molloy busi studs, ict, pe, publ ser; A Naz busi studs, publ ser; J Puzdrowska chld dev, health and soc c, pe; M Qayyum busi studs, ict, publ ser; K Qureshi busi studs, criminol, ict; A Rakha chld dev, health and soc c; S Rauf busi studs, ict, pe; G Roberts busi studs, pe, publ ser; G Robinson art and des, ict; A Saghir busi studs, criminol, ict; A Salih busi studs, criminol; F Shabir criminol, ict, sci; S Tabassum health and soc c, sci; A Taylor busi studs, ict, publ ser; K Vyse health and soc c, sci; K Whiteley-Hussain criminol, ict, sci; E Younas busi studs, ict, sci; U Zaheer busi studs, publ ser; M Zulfiqar busi studs, ict, publ ser.

Hipperholme Grammar School

A Level results

H Brown bi, dt, ma ; V Bryson mu, hi, re; C Carr hi, psy; A Carroll bi, hi; L Chin el, hi*, psy; D Davidson dt, ma, ph ; S Doherty el, pe, psy; E Foggo fr, gm, psy; E Haigh-Jacobs a,el*, re; O Roberts bs, el, hi

Brighouse High School

A Level results

N Ackroyd, photy, apld busi; H Ali, apld busi, psychol; G Ayrton, apld busi, leis studs; F Barber, apld busi, hist; T Barraclough, busi studs*, hist**, ict**; J Best, apld busi, eng lang, med studs; L Boothroyd, apld busi, citiz, publ serv; M Brimelow, eng lit, hist, sociol; J Burgess, publ serv, apld sci; R Burnhill, biol*, chem, sociol*; A Cairney-Witter, biol, chem, sociol; M Chatha, apld busi, geog; J Cigan, biol, geog; J Clarkson, sociol; R Croft, biol, maths, frth maths; E Dean, eng lit, hist; J Dennison, apld busi, med studs, pe; E Dunn, eng lit, med studs, psychol; E Fairburn, apld busi, apld sci; M Field, med studs; D Foster, maths, apld sci; M Gaunt, eng lit, law, psychol; A Gibson, food studs, leis studs, pe; J Gittens, chem, maths, phys; A Greenwood, apld busi*, maths**, frth maths*, phys; R Hanks, publ serv; G Harris, pe, exproqual; A Hartley, biol*, chem, maths; C Henson, apld busi, med studs; D Heyhoe, med studs; B Holdsworth, biol, hist; L Hussain, apld sci; L Illingworth, busi studs, hist, phys; K Ip, biol, chem, maths; T Jackson, apld busi, leis studs, pe; A Jessop, hist, gov and polits*, rel studs**; H Jones, textiles, eng lit; J Joseph, apld sci, sociol; A Kennedy, apld busi, med studs; N Kershaw, rel studs*; S Lever, maths, frth maths, apld sci; C Lock, apld busi; F Mather, publ serv; M Maude, eng lit, hist*, sociol; C Moon, publ serv; H Morris, chem, apld sci; D Newton, biol, chem; L O’Malley, hist, ict, law; A Ottaway, biol, apld busi, sociol; B Patefield, eng lang, hist, pe; D Peel, prod des, hist, law; J Pickles, biol, psychol, pe; S Powell, geog, hist, apld sci; S Redman, apld busi, publ serv*; D Rose, apld busi, publ serv; H Smith, eng lang*, eng lit*, law*; O Snow, apld busi, med studs; B Stead, sociol*, exproqual; L Stross, biol, apld busi; T Sunderland, photy, med studs, apld sci; J Swallow, eng lang, hist; W Tolan, apld busi, citiz; C Verity, apld busi, sociol; J Waller, apld busi, gov and polits; C Ward, photy, publ serv*; O Waterhouse, biol, eng lit, law; T West, apld busi, hist; T Wilde, apld busi, hist, law; N Willard, leis studs; B Wills, apld busi; R Winslow, biol, maths*, frth maths; J Wood, biol, geog, law; L Wood, apld busi;

BTEC results

N Ackroyd, Btec IT*; F Ahmed, Btec IT, law bt*; H Ali, Btec IT*; G Ayrton, law bt*; F Barber, law bt*; J Burgess, Btec IT; M Chatha, Btec IT*; J Cigan, Btec IT*; J Clarkson, Btec IT*; J Dennison, Btec IT; E Fairburn, health and soc bt*; M Field, Btec IT; D Foster, Btec IT; R Hanks, health and soc bt; G Harris, health and soc bt*; C Henson, Btec IT*; D Heyhoe, Btec IT*, law bt*; L Hussain, Btec IT*, law bt*; J Joseph, Btec IT*; A Kennedy, Btec IT; N Kershaw, Btec IT*, health and soc bt; S Lever, Btec IT; C Lock, health and soc bt*, law bt*; F Mather, health and soc bt, law bt; C Moon, health and soc bt; H Morris, Btec IT*; S Redman, Btec IT*; D Rose, Btec IT; R Seymour, Btec IT, health and soc bt; O Snow, law bt*; B Stead, health and soc bt*; L Stross, Btec IT*; W Tolan, law bt*; J Waller, Btec IT; C Ward, health and soc bt; T West, law bt*; N Willard, Btec IT; B Wills, law bt*; L Wood, dance/pa bt*;

AS results:

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S Ahmed, apld sci; N Ali, apld sci, eng lang, sociol; A Arifan, apld busi; S Arshad, apld busi*, maths; A Atkinson, eng lit; J Berry, food studs, maths; E Booth, apld busi, sociol; C Brown, fren*, germ*, gov and polits*; P Brown, law; E Chambers, leis studs, med studs; E Clay, apld busi, geog; L Copley, apld busi; B Croft, sociol; C D’Adamo, gov and polits, psychol; K Dastgir, apld busi; J Dimmer, maths; L Drennan, apld sci, apld busi, publ ser; O Ellis, apld busi; B Feather, geog, law; K Freeman, apld busi, health and soc bt; L Gallon, law, dance/pa bt; C Geater, med studs*; D Gilpin, med studs; O Greenwood, apld busi, med studs; P Higgins, apld sci, apld busi, pe; E Holmes, eng lang, med studs; Z Horner, geog*, pe*; A Hunter, gov and polits, law, leis studs; B Jamieson, apld busi, geog; C Kavaliauskas, geog*; A Khan, biol, chem; C Knight, apld busi, geog, maths; L Lathrope, citiz; L Lee, apld busi; T Levy, apld busi, prod des; S Liddle, eng lang, med studs; J Malkani, geog, frth maths, maths*; C Marsden, apld busi, sociol; B Mason, apld busi, leis studs, med studs*; O Muffitt, gov and polits; M Mwamba, rel studs; H Needham, apld busi, food studs, sociol; J Nixon, apld busi, citiz; K Oliver, fren; K Parnell, apld busi, leis studs; E Priestley, apld busi; L Radley, apld busi; J Rawlins, apld busi, geog, leis studs, pe; C Richardson, apld busi, citiz; S Roderick, apld busi, leis studs, pe; S Shakil, apld sci*, apld busi*; A Smallman, med studs, sociol; H Smith, apld busi, maths; J Stanley, apld busi, gov and polits, law, maths; J Stringer, apld busi, gov and polits; N Sutherland, apld sci, apld busi; E Thomas, apld busi; K Walker, sociol; E West, rel studs; J Whiteley, apld busi, maths; E Wilson, apld busi, citiz; H Wormald, gov and polits; J Wright, citiz, gov and polits;

The Crossley Heath School

A-level results

M Afzal maths, chem; A Ahmad chem, maths, psychol; A Akerman busi studs*, hist, philos; A Akram busi studs, psychol, biol; H Ali maths, psychol; O Anderson eng lang, busi studs, hist; J Anyanwu biol, chem, maths; Q Arif art, span; B Atkinson hist, biol, geog*; H Baguley maths, germ, busi studs; C Baker psychol, des tech, busi studs; R Baldwin eng lang**, fren*, span, rel studs*; L Balmforth psychol, hist**, busi studs*; M Barrett busi studs*; N Bazaraa busi studs*, maths*, span, hist**; A Bennett psychol, germ*, hist**, eng lit**; T Berridge maths**, phys*, chem, geog*; E Berry maths*, phys, biol**, chem*; S Beswick phys, maths*, busi studs*, geog*; M Bland busi studs, maths*, psychol; M Bourne art, psychol, eng lit; J Brearley pe, busi studs, geog; K Burt pe*, chem, biol; L Carroll phys*, frth maths, maths*; H Child phys, frth maths, maths*; T Chishti biol, chem, psychol; B Choy phys*, frth maths**, geog, maths**; A Christopher fren, eng lit; J Cousen eng lang*, hist, eng lit; E Craven busi studs, psychol, hist; L Cripwell maths, chem, biol; H Crodden maths*, phys, biol*, chem; S Crook pe, biol, busi studs, home ec*; K Cunningham psychol, maths*, span; A Daad chem, biol, psychol; R Dennis busi studs, hist, philos; A Dickie phys**, frth maths**, maths**; E Doodson phys, chem, maths; N Doyle geog, biol; L Duncan eng lang*, maths, eng lit; K Dymond hist, philos, eng lit; H Eastwood art*, busi studs**, geog**; O Elsey art, phys, des tech, maths; E Faragher-Siddall art*, busi studs, hist*, textiles*; J Firth phys, frth maths, maths*; J Forrest phys, frth maths, chem, maths**; C Forrester psychol, maths, busi studs; E Garside maths**, phys*, busi studs*, geog**; R Geisler busi studs, chem, maths; D Hall maths*, chem, comp*; A Hameed eng lang, biol, psychol; S Harrop phys, maths, psychol; R Heptinstall fren, geog*, rel studs*; E Hilditch busi studs**, des tech, geog*; K Hind art, maths, psychol; J Hodkinson maths, hist, busi studs*; L Holsey psychol, philos, eng lit; E Howard busi studs, maths, psychol; R Hudson art, germ: H Hussain germ, maths, biol; I Hussain psychol, maths, busi studs; R Hussain chem, biol, psychol*; A Ingle maths, phys, busi studs; H Irshad frth maths, chem, frth maths; D Isherwood phys, fren, maths; A Jalil psychol*, biol, rel studs*; C James phys**, frth maths**, chem**, maths**; S Jamil maths*, chem, biol*, hist; R Jato maths, chem, biol; G Jefford biol, hist, eng lit; J Karabel pe, busi studs*, hist; J Karabel pe, busi studs, hist; J Karim maths*, biol*, chem*; J Knightley biol, des tech; H Lear psychol, biol, germ; D Leeming busi studs, philos, eng lit; D Leggett frth maths, span, maths**; A Maran eng lang, psychol, busi studs; J May chem, germ*, biol; E McCrudden art, eng lit, psychol; D Millington hist, busi studs, maths; J Millington hist, busi studs, psychol; L Mitchell busi studs*, hist*, psychol*; L Morgan phys, des tech, maths; H Morse maths*, phys, geog; M Nicholson psychol*, biol, busi studs; A Nixon maths, chem, biol; S Parker maths, hist, psychol; A Parsons hist, chem, biol; E Pask maths, des tech, geog; L Platts psychol, busi studs, rel studs*; C Pollard phys, psychol, maths; G Priestley maths*; A Rafiq biol, chem, psychol; G Ramsey maths, psychol, busi studs*; L Redmond pe, biol, psychol; N Rhodes phys, frth maths, maths*; T Rhodes maths, phys, chem; M Riaz psychol, biol; E Richards psychol*, maths*, biol; A Robertson maths**, phys*, chem*, geog*; T Robins art**, maths*, biol*, chem*; O Robinson biol, comp, eng lit; C Royle art**, fren, geog**; S Rushworth biol, germ, chem, mus; D Russell germ, maths**, biol*; M Salter maths, phys, comp; G Scoley phys, mus; L Sharman pe*, maths*, busi studs*, geog**; J Shaw eng lang, busi studs; P Singh psychol, hist**, eng lit; S Singh busi studs, psychol, rel studs; P Sinha frth maths*, comp, maths*; J Stacey-Galley maths, phys, comp; J Stollery busi studs, maths, comp; T Swallow frth maths, biol, chem*, frth maths; M Tattersley psychol, eng lit, rel studs*; K Taylor hist*, germ, eng lit*, rel studs*; Z Tehseen eng lang*, span, psychol; M Thornton frth maths*, philos, busi studs*, maths**; G Turner phys, chem, maths; K Walton art**, hist**, eng lit*; B Waring maths**, biol**, chem**; S Waterhouse psychol, comp, biol; H Wetton busi studs, geog; P Wilkinson maths, germ, hist; S Williams psychol*, chem, biol; T Williams phys, maths, hist; C Wilson pe, hist, psychol; E Wilson biol, busi studs, chem; L Witchell eng lang, busi studs*, textiles; J Wood psychol, hist, eng lit; L Worthey phys*, frth maths**, maths**; S Xu phys*, chem**, germ, maths**, biol**, frth maths**.

AS-level results

M Abbasi maths*, psychol*, chem, biol; C Adams art, geog; Q Afzal biol, maths, chem, econ; S Ahmad geog; I Ahsan biol, maths, chem, span*; H Alderton econ, psychol, comp; R Allport frth maths, chem, frth maths, phys; C Andrews philos, art, psychol; S Ashiq maths, psychol; S Ashiq biol, maths, chem, psychol; E Atkinson rel studs, geog*, psychol*, biol; G Atkinson rel studs, hist*, eng lit*, psychol*; H Ayaz econ, psychol, chem, biol; R Aziz frth maths, biol, chem, maths*, econ; D Bari econ*, psychol*, maths*, chem*; R Barnes art, geog, econ; A Bell maths, mus; H Bilal maths, econ, chem, biol; H Blaylock hist, art, maths, eng lit; F Bojczuk maths, comp; W Bowers geog, pe, psychol, eng lang; E Briggs biol*, eng lit, chem, maths; E Bullough econ*, psychol*, eng lang*, biol; L Burnip geog, comp*; E Butler chem, psychol, hist, maths; R Caine econ, eng lit, hist; T Carson hist, maths*, phys*; I Castelow maths, psychol, geog, biol; E Challenger econ, art, psychol, span; S Chishti biol, fren, maths, chem; C Coates econ, eng lang, psychol; T Cockroft geog, pe, psychol; N Cooper hist, psychol, maths, germ; S Daker des tech, econ, geog*, maths; J Denton biol, pe, psychol; M Dobbins biol*, phys, chem*, maths*; T Eso maths, econ*, comp; M Fairbank psychol, hist, span; N Farr psychol, fren, germ; R Farr biol, fren, germ, psychol; R Featherstone geog, pe, chem, biol; W Fielden frth maths, chem, frth maths, phys; S Fletcher econ, geog, pe, eng lit; E Flynn chem, art, geog, biol; S Foster econ*, psychol, maths, germ; A Garside biol, psychol, geog*, chem; D Garside philos, rel studs*, hist*, gov and polits; K Gaukrodger biol*, geog*, psychol*, maths; G Gaunt rel studs*, psychol, biol; S Gee geog, pe, biol; J Goult frth maths, phys, frth maths, comp; M Greenwood hist, biol, econ; M Hadfield fren, germ, econ*; T Haley maths; M Hannah econ*, psychol*, geog*, eng lang*; H Hashmi hist; N Hatch maths; G Hayer maths*, eng lit*, chem*, span*; J Highley geog*, fren, germ, psychol*; G Holden econ*, geog*, chem, psychol*; S Holmes hist, eng lit, pe; G Hudson-Hunter econ, psychol, maths*, phys; A Hussain psychol, eng lang, phys, maths; A Hussain hist, biol, psychol, eng lang; F Hussain econ, eng lan; I Hussain psychol; U Hussain hist, econ; W Hussain frth maths, econ*, hist, maths*; K Hutchinson econ; L Hutchinson art, geog*, eng lit, psychol*; M Ibrahim chem, biol, maths, comp; S Ikram rel studs*, psychol, biol, chem; A Iqbal psychol; S Iqbal hist, rel studs, eng lit; S Irfan psychol, biol; M Ismail rel studs, psychol, eng lit*; S Jackson frth maths*, phys*, germ*, chem*; M Jamil biol, chem, maths*, psychol*; J Javed psychol; Z Javed chem, rel studs*, biol; G Jones eng lit, hist; L Joyce maths*, psychol*, eng lang; S Kaur frth maths, art, phys*, maths*; H Khalid biol*, rel studs*, chem, maths; H Khan biol, maths, phys*, chem*; M Lally maths, hist, econ; A Lawson hist*, psychol*, maths, econ*; A Lee econ, maths, psychol; G Lee maths, hist, biol*, phys*; D Mahmood geog, eng lang, psychol; I Mahmood rel studs, psychol; J Mahmood maths, chem, psychol, biol; K Mahmood hist, rel studs, psychol; C Marshall eng lang; W McDonnell eng lang; E McLaughlin philos, psychol, biol, mus; E Meadows frth maths, chem, frth maths, phys; T Meggat hist, biol, econ; S Meynell philos, psychol*, eng lang, germ; A Mohammed chem, psychol, pe, biol; F Mohammed econ; H Mumraz des tech, psychol, phys, maths; S Murphy art, psychol*, maths, eng lang*; P Nadella chem*, maths*, phys*, biol*; D Nawaz biol, psychol, chem; F Nicholson biol*, econ*, chem, maths; D Noszkay hist*, eng lit*, fren*, span*; S Nunn psychol, pe, eng lang; T O’Hare fren*, maths*, phys*; J Oldroyd econ, geog, phys, maths; O O’Toole econ, geog, eng lang, psychol; L Owen-Butterworth psychol, eng lang, eng lit; H Pearce econ, psychol, maths; J Poskitt econ, maths, phys; E Potts econ, psychol, germ, eng lang*; J Price maths, biol, eng lang, psychol; I Rafiq chem*, maths*, biol*, psychol*; R Raja geog, maths; S Rana maths, chem, phys*, comp; J Randerson econ, biol, maths, phys; H Rashid biol*, phys*, chem*, maths*; S Rashid econ, psychol, eng lang; Z Raza biol, eng lang, psychol; N Rice art*, maths*, phys*, chem*; J Robinson-Woods frth maths, hist, frth maths, phys; E Roper hist, maths*, phys*; H Sahdia geog, eng lang; N Sampson pe, econ; B Saville biol, rel studs, psychol; R Sheeran frth maths, art, frth maths, phys; A Shelton econ, geog*, fren, maths; C Siddall chem, econ*, psychol, biol; U Sohail hist, maths, chem, biol; S Spooner phys*, maths*, chem*; H Sreedharala chem*, art, maths*, biol*; A Stephenson rel studs, chem, maths, biol; D Stoker maths, econ, pe, psychol; M Stoker biol, pe, maths; E Stringer econ, rel studs*, psychol; H Tahira psychol, eng lang, chem; A Taylor hist, biol*, chem, eng lang; C Teal eng lit*, eng lang*, germ*, span*; N Uttley hist, biol, germ, econ; G Wade philos, eng lit, biol, psychol; A Walker des tech, geog*, maths, econ; M Wardak rel studs, psychol, eng lit, eng lang; M Waseem rel studs, eng lang, eng lit, psychol; H Watson maths*, germ, phys*; H Watson hist, art, psychol, econ*; S Weller econ, rel studs*, psychol, maths; S Whaites rel studs, fren, germ, eng lang; H Whearty biol, eng lit, geog, maths; M Whiley geog, psychol, gov and polits; J Whitehead econ, maths; D Whitelaw geog, hist, psychol; O Williams des tech, biol, maths, phys; L Wisniewski maths, perf arts; N Wood des tech; H Woodhouse hist, psychol, pe; A Wright philos, psychol*, geog*, econ; T Wroot philos, rel studs, psychol; M Zafar rel studs, psychol, biol.

Calder High School

A-level results

E Abbott geog, hist, phys; A Ahmed med studs; N Ahmed sociol; J Alderson prod des; R Astin eng lit**, geog**, gov and polits; F Barnes geog; sociol, span; H Batterton eng lit; L Bowe health and soc c; J Brady eng lit, hist, med studs; S Briggs health and soc c, textiles*; S Buchanan health and soc c, hist; F Chantler eng lit, med studs; O Clough maths**, span; S Crossley eng lit, prod des, psychol; C Dinsmore dance, dram and theat studs, photy; J Doyle dram and theat studs*, eng lit, rel studs; A Eckersley eng lang, med studs*; E Forbes health and soc c, rel studs, sociol; S Gee eng lit*, gov and polits, hist; R Gogoley eng lang, eng lit, hist; R Hassan med studs, sociol; D Hay mes studs, psychol; A Heny eng lit**, hist, rel studs; J Horner biol, chem, geog; R Horsfield chem, maths, prod des; A Hunt med studs*, psychol, sociol; H Hussain biol, chem, psychol; Z Hussain eng lit, rel studs; A Hutchinson geog, prod des; M Javed health and soc c, rel studs, sociol; S Khan biol; Z Khan art and des; A Kinsey biol, chem, prod des; C Kitchen sociol; J Law med dtuds, photy; T Leadbitter prod des; S Lewis rel studs, sociol; S Lord med studs, prod des; S Meek eng lang, geog, sociol; O Naylor eng lang, med studs; S Neil photy; E Newton prod des; psychol; J Overend maths*, phys, prod des*; A Paine eng lit*, geog**, psychol**; D Parkin hist, psychol; M Retirado biol, psychol, sociol; L Richardson eng lang; A Rolt rel studs, psychol, sociol; J Rowlinson frth maths, maths*, phys; J Russell eng lang*, hist, psychol; M Shahid health and soc c, sociol; S Shakoor biol, chem, psychol; A Smith art and des, med studs; M Stockwell-Allen geog, psychol, sociol; T Tingle med studs*; F Waterhouse biol; E Webster gov and polits, hist, rel studs; O Williams gov and polits*, hist, sociol; F Wilson frth maths, maths; P Wilson eng lang, eng lit, textiles*; B Winters rel studs, sociol.

BTEC results

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A Ahmed busi bt; M Ahmed busi bt, it bt, sci bt; N Ahmed sci bt, sports bt; C Alderson busi bt, hosp bt; J Alderson busi bt; A Amjad busi bt, sci bt; C Andrew busi bt, sports bt; H Batterton busi bt, sci bt; L Bowe hosp bt; S Briggs hosp bt; B Chaudhry busi bt, sci bt; O Clough busi bt; H Dutton sci bt; A Eckersley busi bt; L Ellis hosp bt, it bt, sports bt; G Haigh-Gill busi bt, hosp bt, sports bt; R Hassan sci bt; D Hay mus tech bt; J Hemingway busi bt, hosp bt, it bt; T Hosker busi bt, it bt, sports bt; H Hussain it bt, sci bt; Z Hussain sci bt; Z Iqbal busi bt, it bt, sci bt; M Javed busi bt, sci bt; S Khan busi bt, sports bt; Z Khan busi bt, it bt; C Kitchen busi bt; J Law it bt; T Leadbitter mus tech bt; S Lewis busi bt; S Lord it bt; L McMurdo it bt, sci bt, sports bt; O Naylor busi bt; S Neil busi bt; M Qasim busi bt, it bt, sci bt; A Rehman busi bt, sci bt, sports bt; C Robinson busi bt, hosp bt, sci bt; D Shabir busi bt, it bt, sci bt; M Shahid sci bt; A Smith it bt; T Tingle busi bt, it bt; M Want busi bt, hosp bt; F Waterhouse busi bt, it bt; F Wilson busi bt.

Ryburn Valley High School

A-level results

H AKROYD sociol, eng lang, eng lit; P ALLINGAN photy, hist, med studs*; S AUSTIN rel studs; T BARTON econ and busi studes, med studs*; E BELL econ and busi studes, eng lit, psychol; F BELL photy, prod des; Z BOTTOMLEY art and des, photy, eng lit, med studs*; C BRAY eng lit, film, med studs; L BRIDGES geog, econ and busi studes; L BYWATER eng lang, perf arts, eng lit; K CAMPBELL photy, eng lang, med studs; S CARTER eng lang*, gen studs*, econ and busi studes, eng lit; L CHAPMAN sociol, eng lang, eng lit; L CHILD maths, comp, ict; J CHILVERS perf arts; A CROSSLAND geog, econ and busi studes; A DOW perf arts, econ and busi studes; B DUNN chld dev; M DUNNETT chld dev; S ELLIS eng lang, eng lit, film*; F FAROOQ law, maths, film; K FIRTH chld dev; T FRYER geog, maths, econ and busi studes; C GLENN art and des, textiles, span; M HALEY-EARNSHAW photy, econ and busi studes, med studs*; N HELLIWELL geog, art and des, eng lang; J HERD med studs; F HILL eng lang, film, med studs; A HIND maths*, Famaths, film; E HIRST eng lang, perf arts, med studs; S HOBBS art and des, photy, med studs; J HOLDSWORTH eng lang*, econ and busi studes*, med studs*; H HUSSAIN art and des, photy; S JANJUA eng lang, econ and busi studes, ict; G JONES art and des, hist, film; B KEEGAN geog, pe, econ and busi studes; C KERR-MESKIMMON sociol, eng lang, eng lit; Z KHURSHID photy; A KITCHER, law*, gen studs, hist, psychol*; T KOZLOW prod des, econ and busi studes; A LAMBERT geog, sociol, ict; V MARSH, chld dev; L MCBRIDE film; J MITCHELL sociol, eng lang, film; H NORTON SHEARD law, hist, psychol; M REDHEAD chld dev; H REDMOND film, med studs; A REID textiles, photy; J RENNALLS eng lang, hist, eng lit; K ROBERTS eng lang, econ and busi studes, med studs*; L ROBINSON chld dev; S SHAUKAT geog, econ and busi studes, comp; L SHINGLER eng lang, econ and busi studes, med studs; M SMITH eng lang, maths, med studs; T SMITH photy, film; S STOKES art and des, film; A THORPE law, eng lang, hist; H TIMMONS art and des, photy, econ and busi studes; E TROWELL chld dev; R VICKERS sociol, econ and busi studes, psychol; M VICTOR photy, ict; J WATSON phys, maths, chem; D WHITWORTH eng lang; B WOLSTENHOLME, film.

BTEC results

P ALLINGAN dance bt**; S AUSTIN busi bt**, dance bt**; T BARTON dance bt**; J CHILVERS Sports bt; A CROSSLAND Sports bt; A DOW Sports bt; S FIELDS Sports bt; J HERD busi bt, Sports bt; J HORSFIELD busi bt**; H HUSSAIN health and soc bt**; G JONES mus bt**; Z KHURSHID busi bt**, health and soc bt**; T KOZLOW health and soc bt**; K MAHMOOD busi bt**, med bt; L MCBRIDE med bt, health and soc bt; H REDMOND busi bt**; K ROBERTS dance bt**; T SMITH med bt; S STOKES busi bt**; M VICTOR busi bt**; D WHITWORTH Sports bt; T WIGG busi bt**, med bt; B WOLSTENHOLME busi bt**.

A-level key

account, Accounting; anc history, Ancient History; apld art and des, Applied Art and Design; apld art and des2, Applied Art and Design (dble award); apld busi, Applied Business; apld busi2, Applied Business (dble award); apld ict, Applied ICT; apld ict2, Applied ICT (dble award); apld perform arts, Applied Performing Arts; apld sci, Applied Science; apld sci2, Applied Science (dble award); arab, Arabic; arc, Archaeology; art, Art; art and des, Art and Design; beng, Bengali; biol, Biology; biol and hum biol, Biology and Human Biology; busi studs, Business Studies; chem, Chemistry; chin, Chinese; chld dev, Child Development; class civil, Classical Civilisation; com studs, Communication Studies; comp, Computing; crea writ, Creative Writing; crit think, Critical Thinking; dance, Dance; des tech, Design and Technology; dram and theat studs, Drama and Theatre Studies; econ, Economics; econ and busi studs, Economics and Business Studies; elect, Electronics; eng lang, English Language; eng lang and lit, English Language and Literature; eng lit, English Literature; engine, Engineering; environ sci, Environmental Science; exproqual, Extended Project Qualification; FAmaths, Maths (Further Additional); film, Film Studies; fine art, Fine Art; food studs, Food Studies; fren, French; frth maths, Further Maths; gen studs, General Studies; geog, Geography; geol, Geology; germ, German; gov and polits, Government and Politics; graphic com, Graphics Communication; guj, Gujarati; health and soc c, Health and Social Care; health and soc c2, Health and Social Care (dble award); hist, History; hist art, History of Art; home ec, Home Economics; hum biol, Human Biology; ict, ICT; lat, Latin; law, Law; leis studs, Leisure Studies; leis studs2, Leisure Studies (dble award); maths, Maths ; med studs, Media Studies; mus, Music; mus tech, Music technology; pe, Physical Education; perf arts, Performing Arts; perf studs, Performance Studies; philos, Philosophy; photy, Photography; phys, Physics; pol, Polish; port, Portuguese; prod des, Product Design; psychol, Psychology; publ ser, Public Services; punj, Punjabi; rel studs, Religious Studies; russ, Russian; sci, Science; sociol, Sociology; span, Spanish; sport and pe, Sport and Physical Education; stats, Statistics; textiles, Textiles; theat studs, Theatre Studies; trav and tour, Travel and Tourism; trav and tour2, Travel and Tourism (dble award); uom, Use of Maths; Urdu, Urdu

BTEC key

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act bt, Acting BTEC; apld sci bt, Applied Science BTEC; apld sci bt2, Applied Science BTEC double award; apld sci foren bt, Applied Science - Forensic BTEC; busi bt, Business BTEC; dance/pa bt, Dance/Performing Arts; health and soc bt, Health and Social BTEC; hosp bt, Hospitality BTEC; IT bt, IT BTEC; law bt, Law BTEC; mus bt, Music BTEC; mus tech bt, Music Technology BTEC; sci bt, Science BTEC; sports bt, Sports BTEC;

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